We belong

We belong

We belong


The farms that make up the following e-commerce site are made up of small agricultural producers linked together by belonging to the territory of southern Etruria, an area located mainly in the Tuscan-Lazio “Maremma” territory.

The producers adhere to the Slow food “Costa della Maremma Laziale” organization, the products sold are characterized by being genuine, of recognized quality(all reported by Slow Food), some have organic certification, others are recognized as presidia selected and protected by Slow Food; companies are periodically called for quality awards or to participate in events organized or promoted by Slow food or other food quality organizations.

The project have origin from the need to make these small realities known to consumers.

Taking advantage of a loan made available by the “Lazio Region” public administration, we imagined that we could offer the opportunity to make ourselves known even in large urban centers where the need to rebuild the production chain and of identifying the origin and the quality of the product will be fulfilled.

The consumer can therefore purchase the product directly from the farm without intermediate steps, paying the real value of the recognized quality in a fair trade system, without further steps and unjustified price increases.

For more information

you can write to us directly here

For more information

you can write to us directly here